Saying "leadership is hard," is so cliché, but its true. Leading people, whether that's your official role or you lead from within the team, is one of the most rewarding experiences in life. If you're a seasoned leader, emerging into leadership, or looking to learn about practical leadership before starting on that journey, it's always a good idea to revisit the basics.
The Problem:
Leadership training is one of the most common - and most diverse verticals in the workforce training industry. There are countless courses, coaches, and books, and the list grows every year. Why?
According to the Harvard Business Review, most leadership training is a complete waste of time and money. It fails because training is not the right solution to most leadership problems. Training leaders makes it look like something is being done, but what's missing is performance management. Companies need to not only assess what leaders are doing in their roles but what they know about the expectations the organization has for them.
The Solution:
Soteria120 offers a new type of capability management tool that focuses on continuous assessment and retention of knowledge. This isn't an exam prep or bootcamp, or even a course. It's a tool that assess both knowledge and confidence on every concept. This tool is best used as a baseline assessment for comparison across an organization or a starting point for planning further performance management and capability development.