Riipen: A Company–School Matchmaking Service
Since shortly after incorporating Soteria120, we've been closely engaged with Riipen: a platform that connects instructors with businesses to provide case studies for their students. During the COVID-19 crisis, Riipen expanded our access to students by providing additional "Virtual Internships." Since we're a virtual team anyway, this was a good fit.
Starting in the summer of 2020, we've since engaged with 15+ schools and more than 100 students who provided us with valuable inputs. The students provided inputs that included:
- Sales planning
- Marketing content - including video advertisements!
- Market research
- Content development
- Business analysis
- User experience and user interface studies
- Value chain automation
- Product development lifecycle optimization
- Data analytics
- HR Strategies & Policies
We intend to keep this engagement as part of our operation going forward! It is a privilege to engage with such diverse perspectives as well as give students the opportunity to share our journey and gain some useful experience.
This is work-integrated learning for remote workers in the digital workplace!
We recommend this platform for businesses at any stage of their development.
Schools we've worked with:
Calgary, AB, Canada
New Westminster, BC, Canada
Toronto, ON, Canada
Toronto, ON, Canada
Lethbridge, AB, Canada
Manchester, England, UK
Calgary, AB, Canada
Boston, MA, USA
Ediburgh, Scotland, UK
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Calgary, AB, Canada
Vancouver, BC, Canada
New York City, NY, USA
Langley, BC, Canada
Vancouver, BC, Canada
London, ON, Canada