Construction Workers Discussing Mental Health and Safety on the Job
Mental Wellness Awareness
Designed by experienced medical and psychological first responders, this program takes the best principles of first aid training and applies it to psychological health. Mental wellness is increasingly understood to interact with physical health. Just like when you feel ill, you're not at your best mentally, when you feel better emotionally, you feel better physically as well. It is also one of the most important factors for workplace safety, not just in terms of diagnosed mental illness, and substance abuse, but also in terms of attention, hazard awareness, and effective communication.
Our Mental Wellness Awareness program is part of a wider set of tools that we are developing around psychological health.
A 2020 study from Oracle found that “the COVID-19 pandemic has created the most stressful work years in people’s lives, negatively affecting the mental health of 78% of the global workforce.”
The Problem:
Typical First Aid programs focus on physical health, leaving out the psychological and emotional aspects that can impact recovery. They also don't cover how to respond to situations where the symptoms or injuries are all psychological.
Mental wellbeing is always important, and it is more essential than ever as our lives continue to be disrupted by the global COVID-19 crisis.
The Solution:
Our program is the most comprehensive mental wellness program anywhere in the workplace learning and performance support industry. We cover everything from Resilience to substance abuse to stress, to that secret sauce: locus of control.
Available FREE with the purchase of any program!
We believe so strongly that mental wellness is a critical factor in workplace safety that we want EVERYONE to have access to this program.
So we're giving it away when you purchase any of our other programs!
Course Outline:
This program spans:
- Mental Health Awareness
- Stress and Coping
- Self Care
- Being a Psychological First Responder
- Professional Resilience
- Systems vs. Goals
For a full list of the 75+ concepts covered, click here to see the full Table of Contents