Bayshore Home Health-User page

Mental Wellness Program Trial

Soteria120 has provided Bayshore Home Health Private Services Division with an awesome opportunity to use a very cool new tool that will educate you about mental wellness.  The objective of this partnership is to provide valuable workplace education for Bayshore’s staff and help test the effectiveness of this program. You get to participate in this program FOR FREE in exchange for doing a few surveys and trying to use the program every day. 

This is not mandatory, but will be very useful to you personally and helpful to the company that’s allowing us to use their tool.

Here are some more details about the expectations:

  • Soteria120 will provide free access to our Mental Wellness Awareness program 
  • Participating staff will complete a series of short quizzes before starting the program and again once the program is complete to measure their improvement
  • Participating staff are expected to complete just 2 minutes of activities in the app every work day.  You can do this on any computer or on your mobile phone.
  • If you agree to participate in the program you are expected to continue to stay in the program until it is complete.
We want to collect before and after data on what you know and how you feel about Mental Wellness issues. To do that, we're using independent, online quizzes.  
All your data will remain anonymous, and no personally identifiable information will be shared with your employer or anyone else.

How to Get Started

step 1

Baseline Knowledge Assessment

Complete the knowledge assessment at the link below and then email your results to [email protected]

step 2

Baseline Anxiety Assessment

Completed the short anxiety quiz at the link below and then email your results to [email protected]

step 3

Baseline Survey

Click the button below to open the survey 

Baseline Sentiment Survey (5 questions)

step 4

Register for the Soteria120 Demo

Review the video below and then head over to our website register by visiting the link below the video

Discover how The Soteria120 micro-learning phone app trains you and creates mastery with easy-to-understand, daily 2-minute sessions.
