COVID-19 has forced us to look at our entire socio-economic systems and adapt in one heck of a hurry! Planes are grounded, nobody wants to get together for a group hug or share a beer and talk shop. We have migrated to video conferencing, becoming much more productive in the process, wasting little time in travelling to and from meeting places!
So, what are the benefits for the safety industry? Well, there are several.
First, industry has slowed to a crawl, allowing us harried safety folks to address those tasks that have been stalled on the corner of our desks. For instructors, we have the chance to improve our skills and courses. Develop those cool lessons plans that have been shelved at the idea stage.
Second, the way we deliver information has changed. Just as the conference room is now an online video platform, the classroom also looks different. Micro-learning is the new long-term solution for situations where we can no longer gather people together for multi-day programs. Long winded, ineffective, and costly safety courses are going the way of the dinosaur.
Third, lockdowns have eliminated recertification. When things open again, there will be a surge of demand. And fewer providers. We can’t just defer expiration dates. As safety professionals, and in the interest of worker safety, we must keep up with current best practices.
How? The answer is: short and sweet. Small 2-minute bites of material delivered each workday. Repetition results in an 85% increase in retention and the digital delivery reduces costs by about 50%. And it meets approved social distancing guidelines.
The program is A suite of industrial safety programs are available. Built to exceed CSA, federal and provincial requirements for training standards in industrial training, the material has been transformed into the new format. Users can access them now!
Be ahead of the curve. Soteria120 gets your work force ready.
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