COVID-19 has forced us to look at our entire socio-economic systems and adapt in one heck of a hurry!  Planes are grounded, nobody wants to get together for a group

Vicarious Stress or Secondary StressIn the early stages of the current crisis, I found myself very reliant on the constant flow of updated news and information. Its very easy to

As a Psychological First Aid Instructor and a workplace training specialist, I am acutely aware of some of the impacts the current international crisis is having on mental health in

COVID-19 presents us with one-in-a-lifetime challenges, without a doubt, but in doing so it conceals once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.  We are at a potential turning point in history!  The opportunity within the

The COVID-19 situation continues to evolve and challenge our expectations of stability.  Our economies are strained: people are either out of work, afraid to go to work, or working from